Consulting & Advisory Services

Day 1 is a new consulting and advisory services company with focus on ecommerce, retail and consumer goods industry. 


Market is changing fast - Amazon and other marketplaces are growing fast and entering new markets, new entrants coming to ecommerce, and direct to consumer models giving lucratious possibilities for brands. Internationalization to new markets is faster than ever for consumer goods companies. Inflation and macro trends are changing fast, and beside requiring rapid actions, yielding also opportunities. We are here to help our customers to navigate in this fast paced environment. 


We study the market, and learn about new Day 1 opportunities - maybe also with your company? We can support you all the way from strategy to business model creation, delivering the transformation, and scaling up in the hyper growth environment.


Customers and their needs are in the core of our way of working. Day 1 is an opportunity for all of us.